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Project Activity A1


Description -  Promotion of the project at school and local community (Polish partner prepares professional poster and leaflets about the project aims, partners, and topic of the project and project teams, distribution of the posters in local community – expenses covered by grant for Project Management and Implementation)  


Implementation - All the teachers, students and parents have been informed about the Erasmus+ Project My Education, My Job, My Future and it's activities during meetings and assemblies.

















Implementation of project activities and transnational meetings have been delineated in regional newspapers, school's website and Facebook page also in project's blog.
























Erasmus+ corner at school




© 2016 Jonava District Bukonys Basic School. Proudly created with


My Education, My Future, My Job  Erasmus Plus Partnership has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This educational website publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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